ATC 205: Running for Mental Health, Training Tips for Pilots and Flight Attendants, Calories or Not on Your Long Run, Variables to Assess MAF Gains, and More

March 18, 2016


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On this show with Lucho and Tawnee, answers to your questions:

  • Running for mental health
  • Pros and cons of using exercise as an outlet for anxiety, stress, mental illness and anger. When it’s a good thing, but how a good thing can go too far and add more stress if not careful in managing it.
  • Lucho’s candid experience with mental health issues
  • Using MAF approach to overcome ongoing injuries in calf and Achille’s tendon without giving up the sport
  • Is it safe to transition to minimalist running with a recent history of Achille’s tendon and calf issues? How to incorporate minimalist shoes and going barefoot safely.
  • Discussing different minimalist shoes like Skora’s.
  • MAF athlete who suffers from Crohn’s disease (autoimmune) and uses diet and lifestyle to treat my illness. Noticing a higher heart rate of 10-15 beats higher on my morning training runs, compared with evening runs when it stays lower and more easily in MAF. What’s going on? not a caffeine issue. Could it be the autoimmune condition?
  • “In Crohn’s disease, a rogue immune system attacks the digestive tract, causing inflammation and tissue damage. Crohn’s disease symptoms include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fever, and fatigue. Like many autoimmune diseases, symptoms tend to cycle, getting worse during flare-ups and then subsiding.”
  • How to train effectively when you work in the airline industry as a pilot or flight attendant: making use of off time at home, and how to exercise from hotels and in different cities while traveling.
  • Managing the physical stress of travel and how travel, flying and crossing time zones is rough on the body, especially for athletes, and needs special consideration to stay healthy.
  • Is it ok to not have calories on long runs if you are fat adapted and not hungry? Is water enough? Yes and no….
  • Explaining situations where it is ok to go without calories and how this is a good sign of fat-adaptation vs. when you would want calories even if not bonking, especially for females who are more sensitive and often need at least some calories on board to offset any potential negative effects on health.
  • Developed Plantar Fasciitis (PF) from a backpacking trip. Tried everything. Nothing working. Racing an Ironman later this fall. What to do? Help for PF and being able to train for triathlon while still recovering.
  • Advice for training building up to a multi-day triathlon: Building the aerobic base but when to transition to higher intensity work for the bike and marathon?
  • Assess your MAF pace, and all the variables the tie into where you’re at. Maybe it’s not so bad after all!

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